The Imp & Chamois Workshop Manual

This is a faxscimile copy of an original Rootes Workshop manual.

Rootes issued updates to the manual by reissuing the changed pages. Where they changed a page they gave a reissue number at the top. I have used the latest issue numbers I have available in this scan. Some pages may have oily fingerprints on them - it is a workshop manual after all!

Due to copyright reasons I cannot publish any versions of the manual later than the Rootes copy.

Download details

Each section is held as a PDF file which can be viewed online or downloaded. You will need Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader to access these files. You can download a copy of Acrobat Reader or find out more about it by using the link below.
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Expect roughly the following download times per megabyte depending on the speed of your connection.
14K: 12 mins
28K: 6 mins
33K: 5 mins
56K: 3 mins
64K: 2.5 mins
128K: 1.5 mins

Archive file

Alternatively you can pick up the zipped archive of all these files. (X MB).


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